EDUC 6163: When I Think of Research...

 “How Diversity Awareness Affect Child’s Language Acquisition” is a topic that focuses on the process of children understand and recognize words through listening to sounds and establish sentences in their first language with the awareness of diversity. It also aims to study the three language acquisition processes in children, including learning, comprehension, and genesis.

    The audiences of this research can be caregivers, parents, administrators, and anyone who cares about a child’s development because this topic aims to support the ability of children’s learning their language. Therefore, it is beneficial for those people to support and enhance children in their childcare programs or at home to receive quality care and learning support.

    This simulation is essential to the early childhood field because it aims to contribute the body of knowledge on the first language learning steps. This simulation can enhance the development and learning process of young children and support the understanding of their parents or families by providing meaningful information on helping their young children overcome the challenges of learning disabilities. These are the outcomes of the reflection on the study's purpose and its potential benefits to the community.

    My personal and professional knowledge and practices have been grown and deepened a lot since the course began. I have gain confidence in establishing my research. This course's experience has also enriched and inspired my early childhood expectation and knowledge in the early childhood field.  I have written down many exciting research topics that I aim to use at the end of the program. The general issue of early childhood education that I would like to know more about is diversity in education. Early childhood needs to be interested in giving equal opportunities for each child to develop effectively in one of the critical phases of their lives. 


  1. I work in a school setting and many of the 3- and 4-year-olds are being referred to speech therapy with in school services. With your research I think that teachers would better understand what sounds should be developed and at what stage. This understanding could stimulate healthy language development on my campus with fewer students being removed from class to work on sounds that are not necessarily ready to be developed at that stage. In turn providing them with cooperative play time where they can also work on their communication skills.

  2. Sawin thank you for you input during these 8 weeks. I learn a lot from your perspectives of the topics and issues we discussed. My passion is also to learn more about diversity and how to appropriately engage it in my practice with young children.


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