Expanding Horizons and Expanding Resources: UNICEF for every child

There are many organizations supporting the early childhood community and providing useful resources, such as UNICEF and Global Fund for Children. Through exploring these resources, I selected UNICEF for every child to study 

UNICEF for every child

Every child has the right to grow up in a safe and inclusive environment UNICEF works with partners around the world to promote policies and expand access to services that protect all children.

Every child has the right to learn UNICEF works around the world to support quality learning for every girl and boy, especially those in the greatest danger of being left behind. UNICEF provides knowledge to support children in many fields, including children with disabilities, early childhood development, education, education in emergencies, gender equality, and innovation in education.

There are many insights that are very useful for early childhood education. UNICEF publications Knowledge leadership in child and adolescent rights provide excellent knowledge for us to update 

Is a link to all reports that have been published.

For an example of reports
    UNICEF’s social protection response to COVID-19 Strengthening social protection systems before, during, and after crises.
This report highlights UNICEF’s role in supporting governments with both the immediate social protection response and longer-term recovery. Our work encompasses 115 countries where UNICEF has supported governments in strengthening national systems reaching over 44 million households. The report outlines UNICEF’s key areas of expertise in social protection and country examples covering the range of our work across all regions.

Moreover, we also can support this organization by donating through this link


  1. Hi Sawin,
    Unicef is such a great organization. I'm glad you chose to include it. Looking forward to working with you again throughout this course.

  2. Hi Sawin, you picked a great organization. When I worked for Head Start I used to have a portion of my paycheck donated this organization. I will be waiting to view the topics that you decided to post., because your post are always so enlightening.

  3. Hi Sawin,
    Organizations like UNICEF, Save the Children are having a big impact on children's lives worldwide. I believe that we all should return to society in some way or other: say by teaching a child, by providing a free meal to him, by playing with children, listening to their problems, giving them solutions, and asking them what they want from us.

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  5. Hi Sawin,
    I found that the organization that you choose is very interesting. I really did not know much about UNICEF, but I like what I read about the organization. I work for Ncprek program and it basically is for at risk children and their families. It also provides many different resources for the parents, children and as well as the teachers.
    Thanks for sharing

  6. Hi Win,, thank you so much for sharing your resources. I am especially interested to see what they are doing with children and families impacted by COVID 19. Many people may overlook how COVID is affecting young children. I am fortunate that my center is still open for on site care but I know many are not and I know when we were doing our zoom meetings it was not the same as the in person teaching, learning, nuturing, and growing with in person care. I often wonder what is going on in some households especially ones with children with behavioral and mental challenges. I wish the best for all my students and young children around the world and I am glad that there are organizations out there checking up on children and families in need.


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